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Robert Irving Burns

Is Your London Property Georgian, Victorian or Edwardian?

May 20, 2021    |   Robert Irving Burns

London has some of the finest Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian buildings in the country. When looking to buy a home in London, it’s handy to recognise the various property styles. Property listings usually mention the period when the building was built. Knowing the architectural styles helps you understand the distinctive features you can expect to find.

For example, Georgian homes typically have grand rooms with high ceilings, especially on the first and second floors. Victorian homes often feature detailed plasterwork and have bay windows. Edwardian homes usually have light and airy rooms and have the addition of a front garden.

The property’s period usually affects the home’s value and any restorative work needing to be done. Additionally, if you are looking to buy a home with specific features, then it’s a good idea to look for a home in a particular period.

This article is a guide to three distinct styles of architecture in London— Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian.

Georgian Period Properties

Georgian homes were built between 1714 and 1837, during the time of King George I until King George IV. Houses built during this period are large and airy and feature large living spaces. This type of home was in stark contrast to the small, dark, cramped homes of previous eras.

A characteristic design feature of Georgian properties is the tall windows on the first and second floors and smaller windows on the upper floors. This was because staff usually occupied the upper floors—therefore, they had smaller rooms with lower ceilings.

Another way to recognise Georgian period homes is the stucco exteriors. This typically has rendered plaster on the lower floor and exposed brickwork on the upper floors. You may also notice one or more bricked-up windows—done to avoid paying window tax.

Distinctive features of Georgian London homes

  • Three or four-storey townhouses with large sash windows on two floors and small dormer windows on upper floors.
  • Grand rooms in symmetrical proportions.
  • Stucco-fronted exteriors.
  • Townhouses set around a common garden square.

Victorian Period Properties

Victorian period properties were built between 1837 and 1901 when Queen Victora I was the monarch. Victorian buildings tend to reflect architectural inspirations from around the globe.

Homes built in the Victorian era have an eclectic style. Homes built at the start of the period tend to be simple, more like Georgian homes. As the era progressed, architecture became more ornate and reflected the growing Arts and Crafts movement.

Houses were becoming more affordable, and homeownership grew. Therefore, homes became smaller but still featured high ceilings and decorative plasterwork.

Distinctive features of Victorian London homes

  • Colourful brickwork and bay windows.
  • Decorative stained-glass features, plasterwork, and ornate lighting.
  • Narrow hallways but high ceilings give rooms an airy feel.
  • Every room has a fireplace.
  • Sash windows.

Edwardian Period Properties

From the three types of period properties in London, the Edwardian period is the shortest—lasting from 1901 until 1910. During this period, the Arts and Crafts movement heavily influenced building design. Edwardian homes typically feature simple, practical architecture. The interiors are usually a mix of traditional Victorian features and modern designs.

A recognisable feature of most Edwardian properties is that they have small front gardens, and the houses are set back from the pavement. This gave homeowners a sense of privacy, as well as enjoying green spaces, literally on their doorstep.

Edwardian homes are typically extremely well-constructed. This means that maintenance and repairs are usually minimal compared to Georgian and Victorian properties.

Distinctive features of Edwardian London homes

  • Wide range of architectural styles, often with mock Tudor cladding.
  • Red brickwork.
  • Front garden.
  • Large windows, sometimes with a bay window.
  • Wooden-framed porch.
  • Light, airy rooms that are relatively wide but with lower ceilings than Victorian or Georgian properties.

If you’re looking to buy a home in London, we have a wide range of properties available in varying styles, from period homes to contemporary apartment buildings. You can browse all our available properties here. Alternatively, you can contact our residential and new homes director David Calderia on the details below. He will be happy to discuss your property requirements and help you with your property search.

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