Scammers and fraudsters often attempt to impersonate reputable companies, these are some of the signs to look out for and our advice.
Please note that we will never ask for any subscription renewal. The RIB Group do not offer a subscription based service and all emails sent will be sent from an RIB Group email. Additionally, we will not ask you for bank details over the phone except through one of our recognised RIB Group lines. If you are not confident that the number is genuine, please call us through our main landline on 020 7637 0821.
Here are some signs to look for in case of a scam:
- Do you recognise the number or email?
We will only call or email on one of our recognised email addresses from companies which are part of the RIB Group (Robert Irving Burns, Welbeck Asset Management, and Susskind Asset Management) if we call and you do not recognise the number, please do not provide any personal details and call our main line to continue the conversation.
- Do we provide a property reference number?
Each of our property and client records have a reference which we use for identification and which we will use in all of our Invoices, Remittances, Statements and Letters and will also quote in emails for security purposes. You can check previous communications from us to ensure that this reference is always the same or you can call our main line to check.
- Check email branding
All of our emails have an RIB recognised email signature. If this is missing then the email may not be genuine. Our emails will always be from a named individual unless you are subscribed to one of our mailing lists, if you are unsure of the veracity of an email, you can call our team on our main line to check.
- Are there spelling and grammar errors?
Whilst this has been less of an issue in recent years as scammers become more sophisticated, there are still a number of scams where there are common spelling and grammatical errors which can be a sign that an email is not totally legitimate.
- Is it a cold call?
Whilst we do often call our clients, these are often regularly scheduled in and will come from your assigned property manager within our team. A call out of the blue could be a sign that a scammer is out to get your details.
- Can you verify who is on the other line?
If you do not know who is calling then you can ask them to confirm their identity. If they are unable to do so this is a sign of a potential scam.